Dr. Jewel Chakraborty
Jewel Chakraborty, Master of Physiotherapy (MPT), has specialization in Neurology, has working in the field of Physiotherapy and disability for last 19 years. He is presently working as a Paediatric Physiotherapist and a team member in the Child Development Center, Apollo Multispecialty Hospital, Kolkata. He is one of the Founders, Director of Nabajatak Child development center, Kolkata.
He formerly worked with the prestigious The Doon School of Dehradun as a Sports Physiotherapist for seven years. He also worked at NIVH (National institute of Visually Handicapped) Dehradun as a visiting lecturer, Latika Roy Foundation and M. K. Hospital Dehradun as a consultant.
He is certified in Ayer’s Sensory Integration Therapy from University of Southern California; USA under guidance of Dr. Gustavo Reinoso, Dr. Erna Blanche and Dr. Shay Mac tee. He is trained & licensed in using Golden Standard tool SIPT (Sensory Integration & Praxis Test) to assess children with sensory dysfunction. He developed special interest in neonates while working in Apollo Multispecialty Hospital, thus he gets trained in both Basic and Advanced Module of General Movement Assessment by Prof. Christa Einspieler. He is also certified in Mulligan Concept Manual therapy under guidance of Dr. Brian Mulligan. He is a certified Aqua-therapist from International Aquatic Therapy Faculty (IATF), Switzerland. He is also a certified ADOS2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation schedule2) assessor from Oxford, UK.
He has publication of article on “Screening and Diagnosis of Developmental Dyspraxia” in IJGDBP (Indian Journal on Growth Development & Behavioral Paediatrics/Vol.12 no.1.2016) issue with Co- author Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya (Senior Consultant Developmental Paediatrician).
He was part of (Co investigator) globally Pioneering “ICF Cerebral Palsy Core Set Validation for South East Asia WHO region” conducted at CDC, AGH (Nodal Center) in the year of 2015-2016. He was also Organizing Secretary for “National Launch of ICF (International Classification of Functions) Cerebral Palsy Core sets Cultural Validation for SE Asia WHO region” in the year of 2016.
He Presented Poster in 29th EACD (European Academy of Child hood Disability) Conference, 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands on “Examining the importance of Experienced Therapy Aide in ICF CP corsets validation study for integrated care delivery”.
His abstract “ Examining the efficacy of balance training intervention on postural control of school going children with Sensory processing disorder- A pilot study” has been selected by the Scientific Committee of EACD 2018 for Poster Presentation in 30th EACD Conference,2018, Tbilisi, Georgia.
He presented Poster presentation in 31st EACD conference, 2019, Paris also. He is co-author of many other publications also.
He was organizing secretary for “ General Movement Course India” 2018 conducted in CDC, AGH ( Basic & Advanced Module) along with other 4 centers, in which Dr. Christa Einspieler from Medical University Of Graz was Instructor and Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya was Patron.
He formerly worked with the prestigious The Doon School of Dehradun as a Sports Physiotherapist for seven years. He also worked at NIVH (National institute of Visually Handicapped) Dehradun as a visiting lecturer, Latika Roy Foundation and M. K. Hospital Dehradun as a consultant.
He is certified in Ayer’s Sensory Integration Therapy from University of Southern California; USA under guidance of Dr. Gustavo Reinoso, Dr. Erna Blanche and Dr. Shay Mac tee. He is trained & licensed in using Golden Standard tool SIPT (Sensory Integration & Praxis Test) to assess children with sensory dysfunction. He developed special interest in neonates while working in Apollo Multispecialty Hospital, thus he gets trained in both Basic and Advanced Module of General Movement Assessment by Prof. Christa Einspieler. He is also certified in Mulligan Concept Manual therapy under guidance of Dr. Brian Mulligan. He is a certified Aqua-therapist from International Aquatic Therapy Faculty (IATF), Switzerland. He is also a certified ADOS2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation schedule2) assessor from Oxford, UK.
He has publication of article on “Screening and Diagnosis of Developmental Dyspraxia” in IJGDBP (Indian Journal on Growth Development & Behavioral Paediatrics/Vol.12 no.1.2016) issue with Co- author Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya (Senior Consultant Developmental Paediatrician).
He was part of (Co investigator) globally Pioneering “ICF Cerebral Palsy Core Set Validation for South East Asia WHO region” conducted at CDC, AGH (Nodal Center) in the year of 2015-2016. He was also Organizing Secretary for “National Launch of ICF (International Classification of Functions) Cerebral Palsy Core sets Cultural Validation for SE Asia WHO region” in the year of 2016.
He Presented Poster in 29th EACD (European Academy of Child hood Disability) Conference, 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands on “Examining the importance of Experienced Therapy Aide in ICF CP corsets validation study for integrated care delivery”.
His abstract “ Examining the efficacy of balance training intervention on postural control of school going children with Sensory processing disorder- A pilot study” has been selected by the Scientific Committee of EACD 2018 for Poster Presentation in 30th EACD Conference,2018, Tbilisi, Georgia.
He presented Poster presentation in 31st EACD conference, 2019, Paris also. He is co-author of many other publications also.
He was organizing secretary for “ General Movement Course India” 2018 conducted in CDC, AGH ( Basic & Advanced Module) along with other 4 centers, in which Dr. Christa Einspieler from Medical University Of Graz was Instructor and Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya was Patron.